Thursday, November 12, 2015


Prohibition proved, among many other things, how stubborn Americans are about things they feel they need. I have used prohibition to counter many arguments; some people say that we should make cigarettes illegal, abortion illegal, etc. Though I agree with them in many cases that the things they are talking about are not inherently good, prohibition proves that making that thing illegal will cause far greater damage than just educating people better on it. For example, abortions happen now. They are, for the most part, done out of necessity; they are done to be safe for the mother and to cost a relatively low amount. But, if we make abortion illegal, they will still happen: just by sketchy doctors, charging too much for the people getting them and likely hurting the mother severely in the process. (Just like Moonshine causes paralysis, blindness and impaired neural function, while alcohol itself, in the same amounts, just makes you act unlike yourself.)
This event has affected our freedoms today outrageously; now the government knows not to outright ban something addictive that is in high demand, for a disproportionately bad consequence would most definitely occur. America is known for our freedom, and we fight for it in this way.

Sunday, September 20, 2015

Step 2 with Two Steps

This image represents an individual deciding not to put up with a lesser life; the fish are overcrowded and don't have anything to do, and this one is saying "I'm going to try and make something better for my life."
Likewise, with responsibility, this image represents that it is your own responsibility to attempt to make you life better.

I believe this is saying that politicians are acting to benefit those higher up from them on the work chain; going with other's beliefs to try and get more money or prestige. They aren't free, and they don't care about your freedom to an extent. 

The way I interpret this is to say that you don't just suddenly have freedom; it's a long, hard road. You work through school, you work through college; freedom is letting up, but it's not yet yours. You finish college, but have to think about student debt- you pay that off, but you have to think of your family. 

The reason for this image being a bike is that you have the freedom to travel the path of least resistance. You could take a car somewhere, in which situation you wouldn't have to put much physical effort in. Or, you could take a bike; getting mental and physical exercise. You have the choice as to which to take.

The chains represent that freedom has to be fought for; the hands are balled up in fists and are doing an action that would take a lot of strength. The image shows that you don't automatically have freedom sometimes, and when you don't you will have to break boundaries to get it.
This also applies to responsibility; you have to be the one to break you chains, and you are the one responsible to do so. 
This image shows that everyone has responsibility. Yes, even the dogs.

You have a responsibility to do what you need to do, even if/when you don't want to do it.

As my main point was earlier; you're responsible for yourself above all; the fish chose a better life, the person broke their chains. I view responsibility (on a social level) like the rule on an airplane, where you're supposed to put your air mask on before helping those around you. It's your responsibility to look out for yourself before others; you are responsible for your own happiness.

Friday, September 4, 2015

Step 1: What Does Responsibility Mean To You?

Freedom with responsibility is being allowed to cook alone with the stove when you're little, because you haven't managed to burn the house down with the toaster; it's others knowing that you will be competent and trustworthy with future endeavors. I feel like the idea of it is fairly self explanatory, though I enjoy being vague and metaphoric when the opportunity arises.  Freedom with responsibility means to me what it means in general; that those around you trust you. (Essentially.)
That's about all that I feel toward it; that's what it means to me.

"To keep the freedom we have, we have to balance our own choices with our personal responsibilities."
-Erica Mingus

"I prefer dangerous freedom over peaceful slavery."
-Thomas Jefferson